Doesn't this tub look inviting? I can just hear the nice relaxing spa music playing in the background. The candles smell wonderful.... a little like warm lavender and chamomile. I'm sure there is a nice glass of wine waiting for me................................................................
Oh, sorry, was I day dreaming again? Wouldn't that be wonderful? During this busy season, it is so important for us as wifes, mothers, friends, cooks, housekeepers, chauffeurs, carpenters, nurses, teachers, accountants, personal assistants (.... and the list of hats goes on forever) to take a moment to relax. We can't continue to be our best for the ones we love if we don't take care of ourselves too.
But seriously, if you remember, I am one week into Courtney at Women Living Well's Peace on Earth December Challenge. The challenge set forth for this week is to "SCHEDULE a night where you will take a warm refreshing bubble bath. Bring your Bible.Read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1, 2 and Luke 1,2." Hop on over to her blog for her wonderful post titled Girl- You NEED a bubble bath. I couldn't wait for this week to get here! I hadn't taken a bubble bath in ages. Notice I said "hadn't", I did this last night after Sarah was in bed. David was watching a movie that I didn't want to watch, I was tired and cold. I filled up the tub with steamy water, lit 4 sweet smelling candles, turned the i-pod to Enya and soaked until I was a prune. While in there, I reflected on how blessed I am to have such a wonderful family, food to eat, warm clothes to wear and a roof over my head. God has been good to me!
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